Join our community of Property Data Collection partners!
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Why join the PDC team?
- Competitive pay and timely payments
- Flexible schedules:
- Choose only the assignments you want!
- Mobile, user-friendly software to streamline PDC process: :
- All work is completed on site
- No additional reporting or measurements are required; the app handles everything!
- Free training and customer support
- Complete orders for multiple clients
How does the PDC process work?
- You are notified when a PDC request is received in your area.
- If you can accept the assignment, you select a link within the mobile app to begin the process.
- Schedule a site visit using the property contact information provided.
- Use the PDC mobile app to answer some questions, take some photos, and record a short video if required.
- Submit the collected information through the PDC app and the process is complete!
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